Context Help

Display an Icon with a tooltip.


The help message can be displayed in two modes: auto and manual. In auto mode, the help message is displayed when the user hovers the icon. In manual mode, the help message is displayed when the you call the showDialog method.

This is a text with a <monster-context-help id="help">
    <div>This is a help message</div>
</monster-context-help> help message icon.
Hover the icon to see the tooltip.

The result of the above example:

This is a text with a
help message. Hover the icon to see the tooltip.


AttributeDescriptionTypeAccepted ValuesDefault
modeThe mode of the componentStringauto, manualauto
classes.buttonThe class of the buttonStringmonster-theme-error-2
templates.mainThe template of the componentStringmonster-context-error