
The simple host component is used to create a host for the application. The host is the main container for the web application. This component has no visual representation. It offers several central functions, such as the loading configuration or the loading of the application translations.


You can embed the host component in your HTML document with the following code.


To add a navigation and a notification area, you can use the following code.

        <monster-reload data-monster-url="./nav.html"></monster-reload>


The onReady method can be used to execute code after the host component has been initialized.

const host = document.querySelector('monster-host');
host.onReady(() => {
    console.log('Host is ready');


The host component offers a interface to the focus manager. The focus manager is used to manage the focus of the application.

const host = document.querySelector('monster-host');


The host component offers a interface to the resource manager. The resource manager is used to load resources such as translations or configuration files.

const host = document.querySelector('monster-host');


The has a interface to get the locale of the application. The locale is used to load the translations of the application.

const host = document.querySelector('monster-host');
// ↦ 'de'

The translations hold the translations of the application.

const host = document.querySelector('monster-host');
// ↦ ...


With the Host.pushNotification("example") method, you can add a notification to the notification area. The notification area is defined in the HTML document.

To use the notification area, you have to add the following code to your HTML document.



The host control has no visual representation.